Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Man... am I PLEASED with tonight's outcome! So if you've been keeping up, you'll notice that Janell and I had some issues on Sunday... meaning we were pathetically dragging after a mere mile and a half. So after our rest day (complete with Bachelor and blizzards) we were a little scared to see how we would perform tonight. The assignment: 5 miles. We decided to run at night in my neighborhood again-- because hey, who doesn't love to run in 35 degree weather?? It wasn't too bad though, and there were a shocking amount of people out with their dogs, so we didn't feel too crazy. We definitely had a successful run- only stopping a couple times briefly to catch our breath (slash soothe our aching knees/achilles tendons-- Janell's having some odd ailments haha) and the rest of the time we kept a good pace- finishing our 5 miles just under an hour!! Hooray!!! And when we got back, Sharon (the lovely owner of the house I live in) made us some killer hot chocolate. So it was all worth it. Moral of today's story-- apparently carbs actually DO give you energy and don't just make you fat. SO if you're going to train for a marathon- or just run for 5 miles- GO EAT SOME BREAD! Tomorrow's another five. DANG- why'd I sign up for this? They just keep throwing these miles at me! But I'm optimistic... I see another victory in the cards for tomorrow. Until then...

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