Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sara reporting...

Well today I rolled out of bed at 9:00am- not my ideal wake up time for a Saturday-- especially when I know the next thing I have to do is go run five miles. But nevertheless, I slipped on that trusty spandex (which I NEVER thought I would own!) grabbled the ole pedometer and Janell and I headed out to Brushy Creek for our five mile stint today. We arrived at the trail and headed out in the BITING cold to once again pose as runners among the 85 year olds and women with strollers who speed past us. Today was a little rough, I'm not gonna lie to you. Who knew that a hilly terrain in 40 degree weather would be so different than the climate-controlled 0.0 inclined treadmill at the Y with a TV and iPod to distract me? Bizarre. We started to implement the question game during our run in order to make the time go by faster. It's no code people, we just ask each other random questions. I would recommend this activity to anyone who finds themselves counting down the seconds until you can justify taking a walk break. It really did help the run go by faster and we learned random facts about each other too!

When I got back home from the run I started looking up what it really means to "carb load" before the marathon. I mean that's why we're doing this right? So we can eat a HUGE pasta dinner the night before guilt-free? Apparently not. I received some distressing news as I surfed the web and found out that "marathonists" (how do you get dubbed that?? can I refer to myself as that? I probably will from now on- just so you all know.) consider major carb loading before a run to be a hinderance. The pasta sits in your stomach causing you to be lethargic instead of providing extra energy. You're just supposed to maintain your same diet for the whole week. WHAT?! That's ridiculous. Sigh. Well the article said NOTHING against blizzards on rest days, so I guess I'll just cling to that.

Janell and I totalled up our total running for the week : 20 miles, baby! Pretty sure that's the total number of miles I had run in my LIFE until this past month. If we can do it-- ANYONE CAN! : )

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